Do you want to make money, without any commitment and simply by referring customers to a great web services company when people tell you that they need it anyway. Why not be the person who just slips in a word and get rewarded for it? I’m talking here about up to 50% of the customer’s initial invoice. Oh yeah!
I’ll give you some examples. The most common of all, someone talks to you about putting a website online for their new business or professional services. The most common bill we have is $120 for 1 year of service and the commission is 50% on web hosting so you make $60, yeah, $60 just for referring us. And if the person wants one (or more) email accounts in the name of their company (example:,, well it’s $60 per year, per email account, exceptional service, super effective anti-spam included and it gives you $30 per account in your pocket.
Another example, a web designer or an employee of a web agency talks to you about the fact that it’s a lot of work and complicated to manage servers, networks, security and everything that comes with it and that he/she would like to concentrate on delivering a site for his/her clients or creating a great marketing campaign for them rather than worrying about finding why an email falls into SPAM or knowing how the new security feature must be added to his/her server. Well, WE LOVE doing exactly that. Refer them to us! A typical server billed for 1 year can earn you over $1000 in referral, yeah, I said $1000, just for referring AdocSys and our exceptional service.
All you have to do is create an account on our site by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner and then select “Register”.

Then you can fill out the form, accept the terms and conditions and submit everything.

Once your account is created, you can go to the “Billing” menu and click on “Affiliates”.

And all you have to do is click on “Activate affiliate account”.

And this will take you to your account, in the section where you can see the details of the transactions of customers that you have referred.

From this point it is necessary to use the “Your unique reference link” in this page. Either you provide it to the customer you want to refer (email, text message, etc.) or you can also insert it into your website and ask customers to visit your site and click on the link.
Once you have accumulated at least $100, you will be able to “Request a withdrawal”. It is possible to convert this amount into credits to purchase new services or ask us to withdraw the amount directly. We may then agree on a payment method and reuse that method for future withdrawals.
Important notes
- The minimum amount required for a withdrawal is $100
- AdocSys may take up to 90 days to make a payment to its affiliate
- The reference percentage is applied to the total, before taxes, of the invoice (I.E.: if there is currently a 50% promotion on a product worth $120 and the invoice is $60, the reference will be 30$, when the same product is at full price, the reference will be 60$)
- To AdocSys’ full judgment and discretion, any attempt to circumvent the system or find a scheme to make more money in referral than initially designed by AdocSys may be refused or cancelled without notice and AdocSys reserves the right to close the account of the Affiliate at any time without notice and cancel any amount appearing in the account at that time
- AdocSys reserves the right to terminate its referral program and close the accounts of all its Affiliates at any time and make an arrangement with them